Research on the Effect and Characteristics of "Emotional Preference" in the Communication of "Doctor's Event" Weibo Posts

Web Mining and Empirical Analysis Based on social News in 2020


  • Li Zhu Communication University of China
  • Yushan Xiang Communication University of China
  • Liangqi Ding School of Journalism, Fudan University
  • Jing Xu Peking University


Doctor events, Emotional preference, Communication power, Network mining, Emotinal governance


Social media is not only an information dissemination tool, but also promotes the construction of social issues and the dissemination of social emotions. In 2020, medical issues and doctor groups received high attention from Internet users. At present, there is limited empirical analysis of emotions related to the dissemination of information related to "doctor events".So what are the characteristics of "emotional preference" in the dissemination of "doctor event" blog posts? This paper crawls 9668 related microblogs on the microblog platform, uses the emotional dictionary method to classify emotions and calculate emotional intensity, and selects the top 10 topics as the research sample. The study found that in the emotion category of "doctor events" microblog text in 2020, "good" is the most emotional type. The main emotional categories of different events are easily affected by the theme of blog content. In the user category, only ordinary users have good communication power when publishing content with high positive emotional intensity. This study inspires us to pay attention to emotional governance in the management of doctor-patient public event.



How to Cite

Zhu, L., Xiang, Y., Ding, L., & Xu, J. (2023). Research on the Effect and Characteristics of "Emotional Preference" in the Communication of "Doctor’s Event" Weibo Posts: Web Mining and Empirical Analysis Based on social News in 2020. The Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media, 1(1), 82–100. Retrieved from