Editorial: What about the information?


  • Zhenyi Li


When faced with a major decision, we ask ourselves: what should we do? In the field of health communication, the most "headache" question in the past two years is: what should we do with health communication? More precisely, what should we do with information? Why? Before the pandemic, most research on health communication focused on the exploration of transmission channels and the evaluation of communication effectiveness. During the pandemic, we have seen all kinds of misinformation and disinformation flying all over the place, and these bad information are "self-taught", especially using traditional, modern, high-tech, and even artificial intelligence channels to disseminate. This makes us deeply realize that in the past, we thought that information was correct, accurate, scientific and reliable in the field of health communication, and this should be a question mark for granted.



How to Cite

Li, Z. (2024). Editorial: What about the information?. The Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media, 2(1), 1–2. Retrieved from http://mhmjournal.net/index.php/mhm/article/view/51