

  • Mengqiu Zhang Peking University
  • Jing Xu
  • Zhenyi Li


Hospice care was systematically developed in different cultures. Modern hospice care initiated in the West was introduced to China and now localized at policy and practice levels. Through discourse analysis on the evolution of hospice care in both the West and China, we argue that ultimately hospice care will overcome cultural barriers and become universal shared values and practices because it is not simply medicine, but humanity.



How to Cite

Zhang, M., Xu, J., & Li, Z. (2023). 试谈安宁疗护在中西文化中传播的殊途同归. The Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media, 1(1), 72–81. Retrieved from http://mhmjournal.net/index.php/mhm/article/view/6